Thursday, August 6, 2009

Nantucket Fundraiser for Lung Cancer

Meryl Bralower, a fabulous and dynamic woman that I know from Boston-area lung cancer advocacy work has put together a terrific fundraiser for Lung Cancer. It's a staged reading of the book "The Hot Flash Club", written by Nancy Thayer.

They had a staged reading of this book on the island back in June and it was apparently a sell-out!

If you like Nantucket and want to support a good cause, come join us! Plus, it's midweek so there are reasonable B&B rates. I found some pretty good deals at The Century House and The Sherbourne Inn, for a start.

Here are the event details:

Host: Meryl Bralower


The Chicken Box
16 Dave St
Nantucket, MA 02554 US

Wednesday, August 26, 6:00PM to 8:00PM

Phone: 508 257 9600

From the Evite:
We are pleased to invite you to a staged reading of Nancy Thayer's book, "The Hot Flash Club" to benefit Uniting Against Lung Cancer New England

Make it a girls' night out and bring your friends to the reception at 6pm and the reading at 7.

You will be supporting a cause that increasingly affects women.

Single Tickets are $75 in advance or at the door.

If you are interested in being a Benefactor $1000, Sponsor $250 or Supporter $150, let me know and I will send you the forms and you can register in advance.

This show, presented by Seaside Shakespeare features Judy Seinfeld, Annie Breeding, and Lisa McCandless directed by Laura Gallagher Byrne. In June it played to a full house. So reserve early.

Come and join the fun.

Funding innovative research and raising awareness

Great New Video Made By My Friend Tracy

My friend Tracy Sestili of The Beverly Fund has a great new video that shows the real faces of lung cancer.

Take a look and if you like what you see, pass it on!