Friday, January 8, 2010

Team Lung Love!

When my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer and I learned about the shockingly low survival rates, the outrageously low funding for research, the seemingly inpenetrable stigma - I knew I HAD to do something.

I'd been running marathons with Team in Training, an endurance training program run by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, for years. They have a phenomenal program, and have raised over $100 million for LLS.

Lymphoma, as it happens, is one of the most curable cancers. Lung cancer is not. I thought, why can't lung cancer have something like Team in Training?

That was my dream, and now - two years after losing my mother to this awful disease, my dream has become a reality with Team Lung Love!

I've joined forces with the Lung Cancer Alliance and we've created the first ever endurance training program for LCA - with the inaugural team training to run and walk the full and half marathon on May 2nd in Providence Rhode Island.

So far, we've got a great group people who've committed to join the team - and we just opened our website to registration! But we need more!

Would you like to join us? Go to to learn more and sign up!

Help us save lives. Help us change hearts and minds. Get INSPIRED with us.

Join our team!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julia,

    I ran a couple of marathons with TNT, and I was very frustrated when my cousin was first diagnosed with lung cancer, but my first thought was that I would run a marathon and raise money for lung cancer research, and I was aghast when I couldn't find anything except a small 5k in San Diego. So, I was very please when we stumbled upon your event! I'm looking forward to the DC marathon. :) Thanks for all your hard work!
