Saturday, March 14, 2009

The State House - and 14.7 miles

Most of the runs I do with the Fitcorp Training Group involve The State House because that's the "finish line," so to speak. After whatever mileage we've logged, we always end by climbing the steep slope of Beacon Street next to the Common, right to the crest, where the State House sits. Bit of State House trivia: The main entrance beneath the dome is called The Bulfinch Entrance, and it's now closed (presumably to save wear and tear on historic floors, etc.) The entrance that's actually in use is called - and I kid you not - General Hooker Entrance. Guess the Regular Pimps use another door.

Back to the training blog: Today was 14.7 and it was pretty good... pretty easy and a beautiful day. Lisa had some trouble with her foot (poor girl!) but we both finished off and had a delicious Chai Latte at Starbucks as our reward.

I sent out a ton of fundraising emails late last night and so far have only had one donation in response (Thanks Susan Nelson!) I guess I need to be a little bit more patient, but I was hoping to make that $5000 goal. I'll keep trying. I know when I get fundraising emails and letters, I usually think "Oh yes, I want to donate something" and forget until I'm reminded - sometimes several times! I was going to skip actual fundraising letters this time around because people seem so email savvy, but the thing is that literally 50% of all of my previous fundraising dollars came from letters, so maybe people like donating that way. I might try that if the emails don't work.

That's about it for now. Hoping to drag Chuck out to see Dirty Dancing tonight. He agreed, against his better nature. So if they have tickets at the box office, we'll be having the time of our lives.

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