Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer Fridays

Sometimes, people ask me if I miss being a freelance journalist. Today, I can say with total confidence "NO!"

I work a 9-5 job at a great company, the kind of company that wants you to work hard while you're there and enjoy your life when you're not. Ie, it really is 9-5.

Compared to my former life as a freelance, where you NEVER had freedom and were always "on the clock" and beating a deadline, this is a kind of ecstasy that I've never quite experienced before. I love it.

When the clock strikes 5, some of my co-workers literally bolt out of the door. I still feel weird leaving as early as 5 and prefer to stay til 6 or so, but if I did want to leave then, no one would bat an eyelid.

Well, today, they announced we're getting even MORE free time.

They're instituting something called "Summer Fridays" where we can leave the office at 1pm on Fridays.

I feel as though I've died and gone to heaven. I mean, if I can't get my work done in that time, I can't leave the office, and that's totally possible... but I CAN leave if I want to. I could come in early and blast through everything and actually ENJOY myself of a random afternoon.

I could get errands done, start a weekend trip early, beat the summer traffic, get my hair done.

There's so much I could do.

Let the summer begin!

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